Diabetes affects 5 million people in France, representing 8% of the population. On a global scale, the disease affects 422 million people and is set to affect one person out of ten by 2040.
To conceive and develop a mobile application that improves the daily life of people affected by diabetes. To bring innovation to the management of the disease and improve the quality of life of diabetics. To reinforce the links between the patients and their doctor, and to provide the most complete and pertinent information to each of them.
Since 2006, Actimage, IT company engaged in numerous R&D projects in the health sector, has been developing a mobile application for diabetics on insulin, using the technology of functional insulin therapy. As a result of several years of research, Actimage has released a complete application, Actelin, integrating an intelligent therapeutic and pedagogical support system responding to this need for daily support.
A complementary system to the other methods of treatment monitoring (tools or practitioner), Actelin provides a real turning point in the daily management of the disease. Owing to the complete databases and/or a rapid input mode through image recognition, the patient can easily provide his or her information (meals, blood sugar, physical activities, insulin injections) for comprehensive monitoring. Based on the information provided, Actelin provides personalised advice for the next meal or for a potential sugar intake, but is also able to inform the user on the development of his or her blood sugar at the current time and, above all, regarding the future. The application provides precious aid to the user and reassures him/her in his/her decision. In sum, Actelin improves the patient-doctor relationship by facilitating relevant real-time exchanges through a direct web interface with the doctor.
At the restaurant, at a party, while jogging, or even during holidays, the treatment adapts itself in real time to the lifestyle of the patient, thus awarding more freedom.
Mobile iOS developer
To conceive and develop an application like Actelin is both a challenge, and a real satisfaction! Basically, to be able to contribute to the improvement in the quality of life of thousands of people affected by diabetes is a real goal, almost a mission. The creationof innovative functionalities is indispensable and brings added value to the application’s user. Our solution also enables advances in the research and the application of the same methods to other problems, obesity, for example. This project encourages innovation and opens up highly diverse application possibilities. Today, we are satisfied with the work achieved and are continuing our efforts to make the application available to the largest number of users.